December is time for fun, relaxation and spending time with loved ones. It is school holidays and the children need to be entertained for an extended period. Many people go away to a holiday destination while other people stay at home and do day trips. December is associated with entertainment, activities and gifts.  

You are going to spend money during the festive season, but try to keep within your budget. Especially this year to ensure you can recover from the financial strain the 2020 lockdown period has caused. Everything is more expensive during December and January is a long and tough month with lots of expenses as well. Enjoy the holidays but spend wisely. Here are a few saving tips for the holiday season:

  • You don’t always need to buy expensive gifts. Most adults and children value time and attention more than expensive gifts. Give your loved ones the valuable gift of your time and attention this December. Rather create memories, because memories last a lifetime.
  • Ask your family and friends to compile a wish list. Rather spend money on gifts that will be appreciated than wasting money on gifts the receiver won’t use or derive value from.
  • Shopping during the holiday season is unavoidable but plan your shopping sprees in advance. Don’t go to the shops unnecessarily, compile a shopping list and stick to it, look out for discounted prices and make use of loyalty programmes at shops.
  • Don’t spend a fortune on decorations that will rapidly be forgotten. Use fruit bouquets that can double-up as dessert and flowers from your garden to create something cost effective, unique and special.
  • Entertaining will feature on your to-do list this summer, but don’t carry all the costs. Entertaining at home is mostly a lot cheaper than going to restaurants or entertainment venues. Ask friends and family to all contribute their favourite dish towards your feast meal.
  • If your budget is getting really tight during the holiday, be creative when planning activities. You can still have lots of fun without splashing out on activities. Make the most of the gorgeous summer weather and enjoy a picnic outside with friends and family. Movie night at home with popcorn and milkshakes is a great idea and so is a cook-off. Or camp in your garden, braai marshmallows and try to count the stars.
  • Mountain biking is a fun and cost-effective activity to keep the kids entertained on a low budget. Go for walks with the family and dogs. There are beautiful parks, botanical gardens and nature reserves that you can enjoy without having to spend a fortune.
  • Fortunately there are massive sales following the mad rush of inflated prices over the X-mas period. If you plan properly for the year ahead and stick to your budget, you can pick up great savings the week after X-mas. Be money wise though and don’t buy things you don’t need.

This December might be a bit different due to the negative impact lockdown had and still has on many people’s budgets. It certainly was a year filled with financial stress, uncertainty, health concerns and disappointments for many people. You deserve to spoil yourself and your family this December and celebrate that you are still alive and well, but make money wise decisions. Have a blessed holiday season!

Do you want to spend your time wisely this December doing an Effective Budgeting online course? Click here to learn more about the special offer for the Effective Budgeting online course, if you enrol during December 2020.